Only two kinds of people can attain self-knowledge: those who are encumbered at all with learning, that is to say, whose minds are not over-crowded with thoughts borrowed from others; and those who, after studying all the scriptures and sciences, have come to realize that they know nothing.
People talk of errors and superstitions, and feel proud of their book-learning; but the sincere devotee finds the loving Lord every ready to lend him a helping hand. It matters not if he had been walking along a wrong path for a time. The Lord knows what he wants and in the end fulfills his heart's desires.
Utter the word Gita, in quick succession, a number of times-Git-ta-gi-ta-gi-tagi. It is then virtually pronounced as "Tagi", "Tagi", which means one who has renounced the world for the sake of God. Thus, in one word, the Gita teaches, "Renounce, ye world-bound men! Renounce everything, and fix the mind on the Lord."
People talk of errors and superstitions, and feel proud of their book-learning; but the sincere devotee finds the loving Lord every ready to lend him a helping hand. It matters not if he had been walking along a wrong path for a time. The Lord knows what he wants and in the end fulfills his heart's desires.
Utter the word Gita, in quick succession, a number of times-Git-ta-gi-ta-gi-tagi. It is then virtually pronounced as "Tagi", "Tagi", which means one who has renounced the world for the sake of God. Thus, in one word, the Gita teaches, "Renounce, ye world-bound men! Renounce everything, and fix the mind on the Lord."
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