This is the tale of an old beggar named Ramu who has had a miserable life. One day Ramu is walking along thinking about his unhappy existence and feeling angry at Shiva. Shiva, at the request of Parvati who felt pity for the beggar, drops a massive diamond on his path in plain sight. The diamond is worth so much that it would feed him and all his descendents for several generations. On the ground, Ramu has decided after some pondering that he should not be angry about his life or blame Shiva because he still has a few things to be grateful for, such as retaining his sight at such an old age. To illustrate to himself how much worse life could be if he was blind, he decides to close his eyes as he walks. Ironically, he does not see the diamond because of this and merrily walks past it, missing it by just inches. Shiva takes back the diamond and puts an ironwood branch further up the path. Shiva then says, "The only difference is that Ramu shall find the branch. It shall serve him as a walking stick until the last of his days." Parvati asks Shiva, "Have you just taught me a lesson, Shiva?" Shiva answers, "I don't know. Have I?"
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